Make Better Marketing Decisions with essential read 'Run with Foxes'

Paul Dervan, author of the industry acclaimed book ‘RUN WITH FOXES’ will reveal the secrets and insights within the pages of this essential read on Thursday 4th June as  part of the Marketing Society’s Members Only Community Circle Virtual event series.  The book is a collection of real industry stories which reveals with honesty the messy reality of decision-making in marketing and the secrets of making better decisions.

Dervan has spent 20 years in marketing, working for high-profile brands, creating new ones and helping to rescue those that have got in trouble.  In the book he gets up close with some of the world’s finest marketers and shares his insights around industry successes and failures. The fact is, most marketing lessons that are shared detail the successes but everyone makes mistakes and there are hugely valuable and unique lessons to be learned from taking a closer look at failures big and small.

Simply put RUN WITH FOXES’ is the ultimate insider’s guide to being a better marketer.


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