Brave Movements Matter

Brave Movements Matter

Join the Marketing Society of Ireland on Wednesday 8th July @ 4.00 - 5.00pm to hear why brave leadership is critical to marketing success.

This event will draw on the world’s largest leadership study conducted in the UK by the Marketing Society in partnership with leadership expert Thomas Barta and Kantar. The headline from the research was – Brave Moments Matter.

The research came from over 1,000 executives from 62 countries and revealed that nearly half of all successes come from those times when a leader steps up to the plate and makes a brave decision. We now have proof that brave leadership isn’t a nice to have, it’s a must have.

Join us in learning more about the findings from the research, and the behaviours essential to drive transformative change for our marketing teams and for the businesses we serve. The topic will also be put into the context of the on-going challenges of COVID-19 and the journey to recovery.


Jane Bloomfield, Chief Growth Officer, Kantar

Community Circle Series: "Brave Movements Matter"  Key Insights

Our recent Members Community Circle Series event, with guest speaker Jane Bloomfield, Chief Growth Officer, Kantar drew on the world’s largest leadership study conducted in the UK by the Marketing Society UK in partnership with leadership expert Thomas Barta and Kantar. The headline from the research was – Brave Moments Matter.

Kantar, working with Thomas Barta and The Marketing Society UK, interviewed 1281 executives from 62 countries to identify what sets the most successful apart. There are many inspiring examples of the link between brave marketing actions and brand growth, but for the first time we have a validation of the importance of bravery to business success and a clear understanding of the brave behaviours and characteristics of successful leaders.
We found that bravery accounts for almost half of the explicable variation of business impact, almost double the contribution of the next most important contributors, the role or function the individual works in and the expertise and skills of the individual.

 The Key Aspects of Bravery are:

  • Moral - standing up for your beliefs;
  • Psychological - having the strength to face up to issues;
  • Speed - being prepared to go fast and take risks.

However, what’s really fascinating is when it comes to bravery and business success, the behaviours people don’t exhibit are more important than those they do exhibit. Putting this another way, bravery is most defined by what you are not. The bravery of the people who see themselves as creating the most positive impact for the organisation is not defined by being reckless or gung ho.
Their Bravery is more measured, by the thing they are not:

  • It’s about not being risk averse,
  • Not being cautious,
  • Not staying within their comfort zone
  • Not being driven by a need for compromise.

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