Managing the Unimaginable - Reigniting Tourism and Travel

The Marketing Society of Ireland is delighted to host a panel discussion of leading industry experts to examine the COVID-19 challenges and plans to reignite the Irish tourism and travel sector.  The session will delve into the real concerns on the ground and explore a sustainable and long-term roadmap to recovery.

Our Panel Includes: 

  • Louise Bannon, Head of Marketing, DAA
  •  Mark Henry, Director of Central Marketing, Tourism Ireland
  • Elaina Fitzgerald Kane, President Irish Hotels Federation.




Community Circle Series: Managing the Unimaginable - Reigniting Tourism and Travel.


The Marketing Society of Ireland were delighted to host a really topical panel discussion of leading industry experts to examine the COVID-19 challenges and plans to reignite the Irish tourism and travel sector. 

Special thanks to Louise Bannon, Head of Marketing, daa; Mark Henry, Director of Central Marketing, Tourism Ireland and Elaina Fitzgerald Kane, President Irish Hotels Federation for sharing their insights, knowledge and learnings.

The interactive session delved into the real concerns on the ground and explored a sustainable and creative roadmap to recovery.



1. Be Nimble, Agilie and Flexible
It is important for a brand to be creative, particularly during challenging times, in order to really stand out from the crowd.  It is essential for marketing to be fresh, agile and flexible to be able to connect with audiences in a way that clearly demonstrates an understanding of their changing needs as we move into a ‘new normal’.

2. Relationships
Look after each other in a real and empathetic way! Recognise that our teams and customers are also facing a ‘new normal’ and all the challenges and daily struggles that are associated with the level of uncertainty around the current crisis. Simply acknowledging this can be very powerful.

3. A Digital AccelerationThe world has taken a huge digital leap forward and it is important to recognise the challenges and opportunities that this offers brands to stay connected and relevant.

4. Pivot Your Offering
Listen to your customers and adapt your offering to meet their new needs and, then tell them, in a way that really resonates.

5. Stay Positive
Tourism is a growth industry – nothing will stop it – even digitisation!  The good times will return, but it will take some time.

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