An Analytical Toolkit for CMO’s -‘Key questions every CMO should ask'.

For so long Marketing and Analytics have battled with the Artist versus the Scientist. With so much changing globally, every CMO needs to ensure that their approach to analytics is robust - that they’re asking the right questions of their analytical teams, and  are pushing teams to extract the maximum insights from their data.    

So what are the really salient questions we should be asking to inform better decision making?

In this latest Community Circle Series,  we’ll explore the key questions a CMO should be asking across the customer’s life cycle, that will help inform data driven decision making and commercially viable strategies to manage customers. 

Join us on Thursday 22nd October @ 12.30pm when we will talk to Catherine Lonergan former MD of Eir Sales & CLV and currently founder of CLR Consulting. Catherine is a seasoned practitioner who has consolidated deep domain expertise in retention and customer life cycle management throughout her career. She will help demystify analytics and data science and arm CMO’s and marketers with an Analytical toolkit that will empower them to ask the right questions to improve decision making.

Community Circle Series: An Analytical Toolkit for CMO’s -‘The questions every CMO should ask their analysts but are too afraid to ask’.

The Marketing Society were delighted to host our 10th webinar event of The Community Circles series. We started this virtual series back in March with the intention of continuing to provide the best insights & knowledge sharing opportunities to help aid decision making. With so much changing globally, every CMO needs to ensure that their approach to analytics is robust - that they’re asking the right questions of their analytical teams and are pushing teams to extract the maximum insights from their data. Catherine Lonergan shared some key questions that we should think of as a CMO partnering with an Analyst.   

1. There are no stupid questions if it's a question you need an answer to, then ask it! 

2. Our world has been upended over 2020.  Have you reassessed all your data trends & models, post the pandemic, as they may have gone out of sync and need to be adjusted?  

3. Always remember you are the analyst's / data scientist's internal customer, and you shape their roadmap to answer business questions with data driven insights. Data is only good if it’s used. Do you ensure that you generate insights and action the results from the data analysis?  

4. Ask 'Is all MY data being gathered into the database?'. This should be internal and external data, structured or unstructured, qualitative, and quantitative.  Your internal analytics team may not be only source of data, remember to include other partners in creating the full picture e.g. Sales, eCommerce teams, Research teams, Agency partners etc.  

5. Ensure that you have measurements in place for all your marketing activities, what gets measured gets done.  Agree what the core measures are & be open to adapting as you get access to other sources of data.  

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